$repertoire = "../../photos/entete"; ?> $handle = opendir($repertoire); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if(preg_match ("!(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.bmp|\.png|\.tiff)$!i", $file)) { $photos[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); rand(0, count($photos)); $random_img = rand(0, count($photos) - 1); ?>
Foxwood sprl
Agentes especialisados en maderas frondosas
Tronco - Maderas aserradas
Place Saint-Denis, 32
B-4500 Huy
T.V.A. BE 0875-199-623 RPM Huy.
Tel. : +32(0)85 41 39 80
Fax : +32(0)85 71 33 25
Mobile : +32(0)475 86 50 38
E-mail : benoit.renard@foxwood.be
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